With it being National Clean Air Month, now is an opportune moment for Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling professionals to highlight the critical importance of indoor air quality (IAQ). Studies indicate that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than...
You’re probably aware of the negative impact of a clogged HVAC air filter. However, did you know that dirty HVAC registers can cause problems, too? From compromised air circulation to dust and particles in your living space, neglecting these components can lead...
As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers,” yet many don’t know that this early springtime precipitation can also have a negative influence on indoor air quality. To make sure your home stays fresh and welcoming, as April will soon be...
Did you know that it has been proven that indoor air pollution is higher than outdoor air pollution? If you think about it, it makes sense. Your house is shut and sealed off everywhere to prevent air leakage from happening. As a result, airborne contaminants have no...
Indoor Air Quality, also popularly known as IAQ, indicates the quality of air inside or around a building or residence. IAQ is important because it affects the individual’s health and well-being within the referenced building structure. Because we spend so...