For many folks in Ohio, the arrival of warmer days also means the start of the dreaded allergy season. Ohio’s diverse climate and landscape bring a mix of irritants that can trigger hay fever and other pesky allergies. If you’re constantly battling these...
Struggling to assess whether it’s time for an air conditioning replacement? It can be hard to select a new upgrade, as there may be several questions that arise. At Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling, we understand your dilemma and want you to make an...
Although an extinguished pilot light can be unnerving, it’s a common occurrence that happens in the HVAC industry. Sometimes, a pesky draft is all it takes to snuff a pilot light out. But no matter what caused your pilot light to go out, you’ll need to...
HVAC issues are prominent around this time of the year. This is no surprise when you think about the high usage of furnaces in the winter. Because furnaces are used at a high rate in these months, it’s not uncommon for them to become overworked, leading to...
In your search for home cooling tricks, you may have come to ponder the major differences between window units and central air conditioning. Of course, we know both types of cooling units work to provide cool air within a space. But what exactly are the pros and cons...
Ceiling fans – do they help save money on energy bills? Good question! There are some common misconceptions about ceiling fans, but there are also some great benefits to be obtained from them. So, join Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling as we discuss the...